IonCube Loader is an instrument, which is necessary to run files which are encoded with ionCube PHP Encoder. The latter is an application designed to make PHP code human unreadable, in order to protect it from reverse engineering and not authorized use. A great number of script-driven applications, particularly online forums, cms and e-commerce solutions are protected with ionCube PHP Encoder, therefore if you get a script and you find that ionCube is among the web hosting environment prerequisites, you have to ensure that your website hosting server has the instrument pre-installed. Though it is not that hard to set it up when you have your own server, it is almost impossible to do that on a shared web hosting server due to the fact that the PHP environment shall have to be precompiled and all of the clients on the server shall be affected.

IonCube in Shared Website Hosting

IonCube Loader is provided with all of the shared website hosting plans that we offer, so any time you need it to set up and run some script app which needs it, you can activate it with a click from the Advanced area of your Hepsia Control Panel. Since you'll be able to switch the PHP release that is active for your account in the same section, you will need to enable the instrument for any new version that you set. In case you are more skillful, you are able to take advantage of a php.ini file in a domain or subdomain folder and set the PHP version and the status of ionCube Loader for this particular site only, without affecting the whole account. Thus you'll be able to run both new and older script apps for multiple sites inside the same account - something that you won't be able to do with various other web hosting suppliers on the market.

IonCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you aquire a semi-dedicated server package from us, you can take advantage of any kind of script-driven app that requires ionCube Loader as the tool is installed on all of the servers that are part of our revolutionary cloud hosting platform. Furthermore, we support several releases of PHP, which means that if you switch from PHP 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, for instance, you can activate ionCube for this particular version with just a click in your Hepsia Control Panel. Our platform will remember your choice, so in case you move back to the previous release of PHP, the software instrument will already be active. For more tech-savvy users, we also offer the option to choose the PHP version and whether ionCube will be active or not for a particular domain without altering the settings for the whole website hosting account. This is done by putting a php.ini file within a domain folder with several lines of program code.