An auto-responder email is an e-mail that is sent back instantly to everyone who sends an e-mail to an e-mail address with this feature enabled. The senders will receive the automatic answer once their messages are received and you will not have to do anything manually. A couple of instances of taking advantage of auto-responder messages are mailing a validation that a transaction is received and also the order is being processed or that an individual is on holiday and won't be around for a certain period. In the first situation the function is enabled for a long time, while in the second one it's temporary. Even if you work with an email address exclusively for private communication, you may use an auto-responder to let the e-mail sender know that the e-mail is received successfully.

Auto-responder Emails in Shared Website Hosting

If you want to create an auto-responder message for any mailbox created in a shared website hosting package with our company, it won't take you more than a couple of clicks to achieve that. You can see an index of all email addresses that you have from the Emails section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all of the hosting accounts. For each of them, you'll see a tiny auto-responder button and all you will need to do will be to click it, type the content that you would like to use and save the modifications - it's as simple as that. Setting up an auto-responder for various e-mails and editing or removing an existing auto-responder is just as easy and can be carried out at any moment. You will see a different image for every mailbox with an enabled auto-responder inside the Emails section, so you will have the ability to keep a count effortlessly and change the status of the function at any moment if needed.

Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You'll be able to enable the auto-responder function for any of your e-mails should you use a semi-dedicated server package with us. Our custom Hepsia Control Panel, used to handle the hosting plans, is incredibly intuitive and simple to operate, so adding an auto-responder will take you a few mouse clicks - all it takes to do that is to visit the Emails area, click on the auto-responder button for a given email address, enter the content that you would like to be sent by our system to people who get in touch with you using email and save the change. In the exact same way you can additionally edit the text or entirely remove it when the auto reply is not required. Hepsia also will let you set an auto-responder for multiple email addresses all at once.