Boost your web site by using a USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting Package.

If you find out that your cloud hosting account is not a sufficient solution for your own site, but a dedicated server is too expensive and too complicated to work with, you can benefit from our USA semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated hosting package works as a one of a kind mix from a shared website hosting account and a Linux dedicated servers hosting package supplying the the best of both worlds. It gives you the potential of a dedicated server (without the common server administration responsibilities), through a point & click Web Hosting Control Panel that is provided with all cloud hosting plans when you sign up.

And due to their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers can be purchased only within our USA datacenter. It was the initial data center in which we have been able to deploy our custom cloud hosting platform and it also offers unequalled power and cooling solutions. We have also built a customized internal network sustained by enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is how we are able to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all our USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting Packages

One of the key features of our US semi–dedicated servers is the K-AXIS Web Hosting Control Panel. It is included completely free with all of our semi–dedicated servers and has been meant to be running in the cloud. Doing this we save your server from being required to power up the Control Panel along with your websites at the same time. You can use the complete server power exclusively for your websites. Additionally, the Web Hosting Control Panel is packed with free tools and add–ons intended to speed up your web presence.

Other US Hosting Services

In our USA datacenter you will also find several web hosting solutions besides from the semi–dedicated servers. If you have to host your own website and require a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, then you can take a look at our USA Located Shared Website Hosting. In addition, they offer unlimited disk space, monthly traffic and MySQL database storage space amounts. In case that you need a hosting service that will enable real–time video streaming and conversion, then you really won’t make a mistake with the USA Located Linux Dedicated Servers Hosting Packages that are the best solution for any CPU requiring websites or web application. They include a collection of Control Panel options and are backed up by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and a 24/7 technical support service.

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